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Get the Facts

  • Members of the RCMP are proud to be part of their communities and residents are proud of the RCMP. Over 80% of Saskatchewanians are satisfied with RCMP Member’s policing service. 
  • Currently, there are ~1,375 Members serving Saskatchewan through 113 detachments including 10 cities, 140+ towns, 225+ villages, and nearly 300 rural municipalities. 
  • From Grasslands National Park to the Athabasca Sand Dunes and from Cypress Hills to Reindeer Lake, the Saskatchewan RCMP polices 99% of the 651,900 square kilometers that make up the province and almost 50% of the population.This includes the most rural and remote areas in Saskatchewan.
  • The workload for the SK RCMP rises year after year. In 2022, Saskatchewan RCMP received 330,000+ calls for service, up 13% from five years ago. 
  • 66% (2/3) of Saskatchewanians have not heard of the Provinces plan to develop a Saskatchewan Marshal Service.
  • Of those with an opinion, over half of Saskatchewan residents (52%) would rather invest the $20 million in the RCMP over the Marshals. 
  • 64% of Saskatchewanians believe the Saskatchewan government has not adequately consulted the public about establishing the Saskatchewan Marshal Service 
  • 80% of Saskatchewanians believe that before the Saskatchewan Marshal Service is established there needs to be a detailed accounting of the costs and impacts to service levels.  
  • 72% of Saskatchewanians believe there are more important priorities in Saskatchewan and the government should be focused on funding these as opposed to creating the Saskatchewan Marshal Service

Source: Survey by Pollara Strategic Insights for the National Police Federation 

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